Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Apparently I'm unoriginal, and that makes me sad...

I just discovered this when titling my blog. So I tried to pick a nifty title like, "Why are you reading this?" but that wasn't available. Then I thought to myself, "let's trying being clever about this." I came up with "YRUreadingthis" as the title. Much to my chagrin, this too was unavailable. This got me wondering, how many people think like me in the world. If someone had already thought of my abbreviated title, then am I just spouting off someone else's ridiculous rhetoric?
Fortunately when you use outdated terms and expressions like "soapbox" the clever middle school kids don't think of this, and it opens up your possibilities. That or putting an "A" in front of the blog's address may help. As a plus it also places me higher in an alphabetical listing. Take that
So here is my first blog. Feel free to respond anonymously.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

don't be sad. there are many people in this world that are unoriginal. rest assured, you aren't the only one. that should make you feel better.